We work hard so your A makes it to B
Transport Repairs Ltd (TRL) is a specialist transport repair company Cummins Dealer for Marlborough, Otago, and Southland. We are a Southpac Trucks dealer supporting DAF, Kenworth, and TRP products in Marlborough, Canterbury, Central Otago, and Southland. We operate eight South Island branches with three dedicated recovery tow trucks. We operate transport engineering shops in Christchurch for repairs and new builds. We have a Heavy Vehicle Brake Certifier and dedicated COF lanes in Blenheim, Christchurch, Cromwell, and Gore. Parts sales are available in all branches providing cost-effective components for all makes and models.

When it goes sideways we’ve got your back
Transport Repairs Ltd has a fleet of heavy truck towies to come to your side when you need a tow. Based in Gore, Cromwell and Blenheim, we have fully trained operators on call 24/7. We can tow you back to your depot or our branch, where we can sort out any issues quickly and without delays. All NZ Insurance companies work with us, so your accident policy often covers the two costs.

Whatever your rig we’ve got the gear
We stock truck parts for many makes and models, and if we don't have it, we will find it and get it for you, pronto! We have sourced parts from all over the world, and in some cases, we even buy second-hand trucks and dismantle them for hard-to-find parts. Our distribution store stocks all the usual Kenworth, Cummins, DAF parts and many other parts also. We carry the full range of Fleetguard filters, CRC products, Powerbilt Tools, Big Foot, and Mobil Oil, to name a few. Our retail stores also carry the popular Kenworth and Cummins clothing range of caps, jackets, shirts, bags etc.

We make sure your rig works as hard as you do
Need a repair, maintenance or your COF updated? Get in touch with the team and we’ll get you sorted.
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